Natasha Marshall bringing identity crisis Half-Breed to Edinburgh

Natasha Mar­shall makes her writer-per­former debut in Edin­burgh this August with her chal­leng­ing, part­ly auto­bi­o­graph­i­cal, play on iden­ti­ty, called Half-Breed.

Half-Breed is a one-woman dark com­e­dy about faith in your­self: find­ing your voice, fight­ing for what you want and being fear­less in who you are.

“I am that mixed-race kid, like 50/50, on the fence, luke­warm, in-between maybe. Trust me, around here I’m about as black as it goes…” says the char­ac­ter of Jazmin, played by Marshall.

Mar­shall grew up in the West Coun­try, before mov­ing to Lon­don to attend act­ing school. She made her first Edin­burgh Fringe act­ing debut in Thugz and Tearz.

“My whole life I’ve been hold­ing my breath, but when I per­form Half-Breed I feel like I’m breath­ing. I want to bring some­thing real and dif­fer­ent to the Fringe. I want to cre­ate a con­ver­sa­tion, I want to open people’s minds up,” said Marshall.

Short­list­ed for the Soho Young Writ­ers’ Award 2016 and the Alfred Fagon Award 2016, the play began its life as a poem at spo­ken word nights.

Devel­oped into a short play through Talawa The­atre Com­pa­ny and Soho Theatre’s Writ­ers’ Lab, Mar­shall first per­formed Half-Breed at Talawa Firsts and Soho Theatre’s Soho Ris­ing fes­ti­vals in 2016.

The piece will have its full-length pre­miere at Edin­burgh Fes­ti­val Fringe this August.

Pre­views take places at the Soho The­atre on Sat­ur­day, July 29.

For fur­ther infor­ma­tion, includ­ing book­ings for the Lon­don pre­view or Edin­burgh dates, vis­it the Soho The­atre web­site.

Image: Rebec­ca Need-Menear