The Internet and Lianne La Havas headline Afropunk London 2017

The Inter­net and Lianne La Havas will head­line the Afrop­unk Lon­don fes­ti­val this July.

The fes­ti­val takes place on July 22 and 23 at Print­works night­club, south London.

The Inter­net will head­line Sat­ur­day night, and La Havas Sun­day night.

The organ­is­ers pre­vi­ous­ly announced a packed bill, which includes the likes of Thun­der­cat, Jme, Dan­ny Brown, Corinne Bai­ley Rae, Lit­tle Simz, Nao, and many more.

Join­ing the fes­ti­val, which marks its sec­ond time in Lon­don, are Saul Williams, Kiah Vic­to­ria, Liam Bai­ley, Don Letts, The Bots, and the organ­is­ers promise more acts are still to be announced for Sunday.

See below for a full list of the live acts and DJs announced so far.

Tick­ets for Afrop­unk Lon­don can be pur­chased here. Week­end tick­ets are avail­able from £90.

Afropunk’s bat­tle of the bands
This year Afrop­unk is intro­duc­ing a Bat­tle of the Bands con­test, in col­lab­o­ra­tion with Sound­Cloud and The Round­house, to offer local tal­ents an oppor­tu­ni­ty to get heard. The win­ners will secure a four-day pro­gramme of tuition from indus­try experts, which will range from stu­dio time to advice on PR, mar­ket­ing and social media, plus the oppor­tu­ni­ty to play at an Afrop­unk 2017 festival.

Artists can apply for Afropunk’s Bat­tle of the Bands here.

Spinthrift mar­ket
The mar­ket­place was a big hit at Afrop­unk Lon­don 2016, where fes­ti­val goers could sam­ple African and Caribbean crafts, clothes and body art.

The mar­ket­place will return to Afrop­unk, and some of the sell­ers include Jamaican-inspired lifestyle brand, Uptown Yardie, African bag, jew­ellery and acces­so­ry mak­er Funky n Chunky, and ornate acces­sories sell­er Teah Wil­son. Con­ti­nent Cloth­ing will be sell­ing social­ly con­scious gar­ments, made in Africa to sup­port the local econ­o­my, and United80, the Brix­ton-based cul­tur­al project.


The Internet
Dan­ny Brown
The Heavy
Lit­tle Simz
Saul Williams
Corinne Bai­ley Rae
Kojey Radical
Nadia Rose
The Bots
Liam Bailey
The Obgms

DJ sets
Jazz­ie B
Don Letts
Jazz Refreshed

Lianne La Havas
Wil­low Smith
Petite Noir
Con­nie Constance
Kiah Victoria
Black Orchid

Plus more to be announced

DJ sets
Clara Amfo
Han­nah Faith
Jamz Supernova
Born n Bread

Tick­ets for Afrop­unk Lon­don can be pur­chased here.

Images: John-Paul Pietrus (main, Lianne La Havas); Afrop­unk fes­ti­val goers (cour­tesy of Afrop­unk Lon­don PR)