Portobello Rising Festival 2017 postponed

The inau­gur­al Por­to­bel­lo Ris­ing Fes­ti­val has been post­poned until fur­ther notice fol­low­ing the tragedy at Gren­fell Tower.

The fes­ti­val was due to take place next week at Ack­lam Vil­lage and the Por­to­bel­lo Road area – a short dis­tance from Gren­fell Tow­er – on Sat­ur­day, July 15.

Since the fire at Gren­fell Tow­er, Ack­lam Vil­lage has been serv­ing as a safe space and dona­tion point for the affect­ed community.

“The spir­it and strength peo­ple have gath­ered and are shar­ing in that space is mon­u­men­tal and tru­ly inspir­ing at a time filled with such grief and uncer­tain­ty,” the organ­is­ers said in a statement.

“In light of this, we feel it is only right to make sure any cul­tur­al event we are work­ing to pro­duce does so with Gren­fell and the young com­mu­ni­ty at its core.

“We have held a meet­ing with the com­mu­ni­ty at Ack­lam Vil­lage and the young pro­duc­ers of the fes­ti­val and have decid­ed to post­pone Por­to­bel­lo Ris­ing Fes­ti­val to a lat­er date this summer.

“At this moment we are con­tin­u­ing to con­nect and build a dia­logue with the com­mu­ni­ty about the great poten­tial of Por­to­bel­lo Ris­ing and will be in touch as devel­op­ments happen.”

For more infor­ma­tion about the fes­ti­val, vis­it the offi­cial web­site.

Image: cour­tesy of Por­to­bel­lo Rising/Westway Trust