Shingai’s ‘Too Bold’ video is a powerful celebration of independent women and black excellence

Musi­cian and singer Shin­gai is con­tin­u­ing her cam­paign to inspire oth­ers to great­ness with the release of a spec­tac­u­lar music video for her song ‘Too Bold’.

The Zim­bab­wean-British musi­cian, known to many as front­woman of the alter­na­tive rock group Noisettes, released her first full-length solo album in Octo­ber last year.

Speak­ing to BBC Lon­don News, Shin­gai Shoni­wa described her album Too Bold as a “call to bring peo­ple togeth­er”, when peo­ple are often told they are “too large”, “too dark”, and so on.

The title track tells Shingai’s own sto­ry, and her intent (“don’t let them tell you you’re too dark”), beau­ti­ful­ly. For the video, she assem­bled a group of inde­pen­dent female musi­cians and artists, includ­ing DJ Lara Fras­er, Big Joanie, Izzy Phillips (of Black Hon­ey), The Tuts (Nadia Javed, Berver­ly Hish­mael, Har­ri­et Dove­ton), Fay Mil­ton of Sav­ages, and others.

Direct­ed by award-win­ning direc­tor Sheila Nort­ley, the video sees Shin­gai singing, strik­ing pos­es, and cycling – hands­free while play­ing her gui­tar – amid the parks and green spaces of Crys­tal Palace. Always one for cel­e­brat­ing her African her­itage, she wears sev­er­al colour­ful out­fits as the song pro­gress­es. And she is joined by her fel­low cre­ative women and girls as the song builds to its crescendo.

See the full video below:

This video also brings to mind the likes of Solange’s ‘Don’t Touch My Hair’ and Denai Moore’s ‘Does It Get Eas­i­er?’ in its mas­ter­ful con­struc­tion. Shingai’s lat­est video feels like a pow­er­ful cel­e­bra­tion of women, inde­pen­dence and blackness.

How Shingai has been supporting other artists

The release of Shingai’s ‘Too Bold’ music video has been accom­pa­nied by a remix, fea­tur­ing Nova Twins, Taw­iah, Celisse, Jel­ly Cleaver, Megan Cole­man, MVM, and

Fol­low­ing her own per­son­al hard­ships with the music indus­try, pro­duc­ing music and visu­als of this qual­i­ty is a tes­ta­ment to Shingai’s skill and deter­mi­na­tion as an artist, and those who’ve sup­port­ed her. Too Bold is a majes­tic album of African heat and fierce female energy.

It has been very dif­fi­cult to hold on to work and stay pos­i­tive as this pan­dem­ic has gripped the world, let alone pur­sue one’s dreams. Some­how, Shin­gai man­aged to mix and release her album, and then spent the remain­der of 2020 shin­ing a light on fel­low artists and cre­atives through her #TooBold campaign.

Shin­gai and her team have spo­ken to music man­ag­er Danai Mavun­ga, hip hop artists Mikel Ameen and Lioness, and per­form­ing arts Cher­relle Skeete and Shiloh Coke, to name but a few.

In these dif­fi­cult times, this kind of com­mu­ni­ty spir­it is keep­ing cre­ativ­i­ty and pos­i­tiv­i­ty alive.

You can keep up with Shin­gai on Insta­gram. Too Bold is avail­able to pur­chase on her Band­camp page.