Watch Sherika Sherard’s ‘Sending Kisses’ video

South Lon­don singer-song­writer Sheri­ka Sher­ard knows how to tug your heart­strings – Joni Mitchell-style.

The self-taught gui­tarist, who is also a keen busker, is best-known for her song, ‘Give Me a Job’, which art­ful­ly express­es young people’s frus­tra­tion with the apa­thy and lack of oppor­tu­ni­ties they face as they seek their place in the work­ing world. Since then, she’s received sup­port from SBTV founder Jamal Edwards and per­formed an ad-hoc duet of ‘Kiss from a Rose’ with Seal.

This week she shared the offi­cial music video for ‘Send­ing Kiss­es’, tak­en from her debut album, Just Say­ing. [ALBUM review link?] Direct­ed and pro­duced by Mohamed Ham­laoui, the video fea­tures an (over­ly) affec­tion­ate girl­friend who’s all excit­ed for a night of romance with her man, only for him to stub­ble home and take her good graces for granted.

Will the two of them work it out? Check out the video below.

Image: Jean-Christophe Hermier