Talawa Firsts backs new plays by Femi Martin, Eno Mfon, and more

New stage pro­duc­tions by black British writ­ers, includ­ing Femi Mar­tin, Eno Mfon and Sylvia Arthur, will be show­cased at the Talawa Firsts fes­ti­val in Lon­don this month.

Talawa Firsts is an annu­al fes­ti­val cel­e­brat­ing new writ­ing and the­atre work by the black British community.

Pro­duc­tions at this year’s fes­ti­val include plays about lead­er­ship and Free­dom of Move­ment in Europe, body image and self-loathing, and a char­ac­ter sort­ing out their “mess” of a life with the help of old friends.

Femi Mar­tin, a writer and per­former from Lon­don, will present one of the festival’s more sin­is­ter pieces, called I Am Not There, which the pro­gramme hints is about what it’s like to be mur­dered by some­one you know and trust.

Along with plays, the fes­ti­val also holds a num­ber of work­shops on writ­ing, move­ment and arts funding.

Past par­tic­i­pa­tors to the fes­ti­val, which is now in its 31st year, include: There­sa Ikoko, Natasha Mar­shall and Kalun­gi Sse­ban­deke, among oth­ers, who have gone onto pur­sue suc­cess­ful careers in film, fash­ion and oth­er cre­ative industries.

The cre­ative out­put per­formed at the fes­ti­val is the result of Talawa’s script read­ing ser­vice. The cur­rent sub­mis­sion win­dow is open now till June 30, 2017, and first-time appli­cants are wel­come. Play­wrights can apply here.

Talawa Firsts takes place at Talawa’s stu­dio, 53–55 East Road, near Old Street tube sta­tion, from June 14 to 30, 2017.

Vis­it the event web­site for more. Please note: tick­ets for some events are now sold out, but Talawa is oper­at­ing a wait­ing list if tick­ets for sold-out events become available.

Click here for more the­atre events list­ings.

Image: Heather Agyepong