The Skints at Signature Brew Blackhorse Road, London photos

The Skints per­form­ing at Sig­na­ture Brew Black­horse Road, Lon­don, on August 20, 2021.

This month, trop­i­cal punk band The Skints returned from the long hia­tus of lock­down with two con­certs in their home bor­ough of Waltham Forest.

Join­ing the audi­ence for the sec­ond show on a hot and humid Fri­day evening, sur­round­ed by the giant steel fer­men­ta­tion tanks and beer bar­rels of Sig­na­ture Brew, the mood was high-spir­it­ed. The crowd were thirsty for music and the band were equal­ly thirsty to per­form and feed off the ener­gy only a live audi­ence can bring.

They launched into songs from their most recent albums, Swim­ming Pools and FM, to begin with. The Skints became more and more ani­mat­ed as they made their way through their set, play­ing fan favourites ‘This Town’, ‘Rise Up’ and ‘Rubadub (Done Know)’, kick­ing and bounc­ing around as much as they dared on the cramped stage.

Lat­er on, the group dove into their ear­li­er songs and chal­lenged the audi­ence to mosh along to their jams. The crowd glee­ful­ly oblig­ed. One sur­prised punter found him­self crowd-surf­ing. And gui­tarist Josh Waters Rudge climbed into the crowd dur­ing a joy­ful ren­di­tion of Al Green’s ‘Let’s Stay Together’.

After some 18 months with­out con­certs, the thirst is real. The Skints loos­ened up, threw their rhythms down and remind­ed every­one how to enjoy them­selves out in the open. A wild and wicked return.

The Skints are: vocal­ist and gui­tarist Josh Waters Rudge, bass gui­tarist Jonathan Doyle, drum­mer and vocal­ist Jamie Kyr­i­akides, and vocal­ist and mul­ti-instru­men­tal­ist Mar­cia Richards.

The Skints are appear­ing at select­ed fes­ti­vals this sum­mer and have their own head­line tour begin­ning in autumn 2021 – pro­vid­ed Covid restric­tions remain lift­ed. You can find out all of their upcom­ing tour dates on their offi­cial web­site.

Words and pho­tos by Aaron Lee

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