
Copy­right Disclaimer

Fringe Fre­quen­cy receives pho­tographs, images, music, videos and oth­er con­tent from artists, pro­duc­ers, PRs, record labels, arts bod­ies, and var­i­ous oth­er outlets.

Wher­ev­er pos­si­ble, we attempt to ensure that all images, audio, and videos are obtained from offi­cial sources. We do our utmost to ensure that the par­ty sup­ply­ing us with the con­tent has the right to do so from the copy­right own­er, and we always strive to cred­it cre­ators when­ev­er their con­tent is used on our website.

If you are a copy­right hold­er, and believe we have used an image, audio, or video, with­out per­mis­sion, please let us know imme­di­ate­ly.