London and UK events – September 2021

This month, west Lon­don rebel girl Con­nie Con­stance (pic­tured) kicks off her UK and Euro­pean tour, you can enjoy the jazz and soul of Cherise and Kit­ty La Roar, and catch Emmavie per­form­ing her sim­mer­ing R&B in London.

The expres­sive singer Muva of Earth also takes to the stage at an event she’s billed as a “cross-dimen­sion­al heal­ing exhi­bi­tion” at The Hack­ney Social (Thurs­day, Sep­tem­ber 30). Fans of Erykah Badu and Green­tea Peng should check out this live show.

Plus, the Ley­ton­stone Loves Film fes­ti­val is tak­ing place from Sep­tem­ber 15. This free fes­ti­val sup­ports local film­mak­ers, and offers film screen­ing, talks, work­shops and more. Well worth check­ing out.

Live music, club­bing, film, lit­er­a­ture, art, and oth­er events in Lon­don and the rest of the Unit­ed King­dom for the month of Sep­tem­ber 2021.

Note: all dates are sub­ject to change. We encour­age you to check health guid­ance for events/venues before you travel.

Updat­ed: Sep­tem­ber 15, 2021


Sep­tem­ber 1: Shao Dow at 229, Lon­don — Tick­ets

Sep­tem­ber 4: Shao Dow at Exchange, Bris­tol — Tick­ets

Sep­tem­ber 5: Cas­sia at Neigh­bour­hood Week­ender Fes­ti­val, Warrington

Sep­tem­ber 5: Shao Dow at Hare & Hounds, Birm­ing­ham — Tick­ets

Sep­tem­ber 5: Tiece at Tap Social, Oxford — Tick­ets

Sep­tem­ber 6: Shao Dow at The Old Abbey Tap­house, Man­ches­ter — Tick­ets

Sep­tem­ber 10: True­Men­dous (sup­port­ing Skin­ny­man) at Bed­ford Esquires, Bed­ford — Tick­ets

Sep­tem­ber 15: Jay­don­clover at The Hack­ney Social, Lon­don — Tick­ets

Sep­tem­ber 16: Cherise at The Piano Bar Soho, Lon­don — Tick­ets

Sep­tem­ber 16: DJ Shad­ow at The Mar­ble Fac­to­ry, Brighton — Tick­ets

Sep­tem­ber 16: Emmavie at St Pan­cras Old Church, Lon­don (ear­ly show) — Tick­ets

Sep­tem­ber 16: Emmavie at St Pan­cras Old Church, Lon­don (late show) — Tick­ets

Sep­tem­ber 17: DJ Shad­ow at Brighton Dome, Brighton — Tick­ets

Sep­tem­ber 17: Mabes (and Lit­tle Comet) at Club 85, Hitchin — Tick­ets

Sep­tem­ber 17: Kit­ty La Roar at Cen­tu­ry Club, Lon­don — Tick­ets

Sep­tem­ber 18: DJ Shad­ow at Repre­cus­sion, Man­ches­ter — Tick­ets

Sep­tem­ber 18–19 — Cas­sia at This is Tomor­row Fes­ti­val, Newcastle

Sep­tem­ber 20: Damon Albarn at Globe The­atre, Lon­don — Tick­ets (SOLD OUT)

Sep­tem­ber 20: Idles at Pat­terns, Brighton — Tick­ets

Sep­tem­ber 22: Zak Abel at The Jazz Cafe, Lon­don — Tick­ets (SOLD OUT)

Sep­tem­ber 22: JGRREY (with Haich Ber Na and Mas­ter Peace) at The Lex­ing­ton, Lon­don — Tick­ets

Sep­tem­ber 23: Con­nie Con­stance at Louisiana, Bris­tol — Tick­ets

Sep­tem­ber 24: Con­nie Con­stance at Sneaky Pete’s, Edin­burgh — Tick­ets

Sep­tem­ber 25: Hap­py­land Fes­ti­val 2021 (fea­tur­ing Slowthai, Idles, Easy Life, Green­tea Peng, Pa Salieu, and more) at Northamp­ton­shire Coun­ty Crick­et Club, Northamp­ton — Tick­ets

Sep­tem­ber 25: Tony Kofi at Peggy’s Sky­light, Not­ting­ham — Tick­ets

Sep­tem­ber 28: Con­nie Con­stance at Oslo, Lon­don — Tick­ets

Sep­tem­ber 29: Con­nie Con­stance at Yes, Man­ches­ter — Tick­ets

Sep­tem­ber 29: Talk Show at Louisiana, Bris­tol — Tick­ets

Sep­tem­ber 30: Muva of Earth (and guests) at The Hack­ney Social, Lon­don — Tick­ets

Sep­tem­ber 30: Talk Show at Green Door Store, Brighton — Tick­ets

Sep­tem­ber 30: Wolf Alice at Pryzm, Kingston Upon Thames, Lon­don — Tick­ets


Sep­tem­ber 15–19: Ley­ton­stone Loves Film at var­i­ous venues in Ley­ton­stone, Lon­don – More details (free entry)

Image: Alex Massek