London and UK events – October 2021

Autumn is here. But don’t let the grey skies ruin your mood. There’s plen­ty of events to look for­ward to this month.

Melod­ic indie rock­ers Cas­sia (pic­tured) kick off their UK tour on Octo­ber 22. And Birm­ing­ham word­smith Kofi Stone (Octo­ber 5–30) and rock group Talk Show (Octo­ber 1–12) also have head­line tours.

Our favourite trop­i­cal punk crew, The Skints, have a huge 20-date UK tour, start­ing Octo­ber 5 – well worth check­ing out; here’s what the band got up to at Sig­na­ture Brew ear­li­er this year.

Also not to be missed: synth-pop pur­vey­or Lit­tle Boots is in Man­ches­ter (Octo­ber 26) and Lon­don (Octo­ber 28), and ris­ing indie pop singer Mabes has an inti­mate east Lon­don show (Octo­ber 27).

The phe­nom­e­nal Shin­gai is back in south Lon­don on Octo­ber 8.

Neo-soul artist Steven Bamidele is in Lon­don (Octo­ber 16) and Brighton (Octo­ber 25), and elec­tro-pop artist Yay Maria is in Der­by (Octo­ber 11).

Also tak­ing place this month is the lit­er­ary fes­ti­val Africa Writes 2021 (Octo­ber 4–24), with events online and at the British Library.

And gamers will want to vis­it EGX 2021, a four-day extrav­a­gan­za (Octo­ber 7–10) fea­tur­ing dozens of new playable games, stage demos, fan meet-ups, and lots more.

Live music, club­bing, film, lit­er­a­ture, art, and oth­er events in Lon­don and the rest of the Unit­ed King­dom for the month of Octo­ber 2021.

Note: all dates are sub­ject to change. We encour­age you to check health guid­ance for events/venues before you travel.

Updat­ed: Octo­ber 2, 2021


Octo­ber 1: DJ Josh Skints at Sig­na­ture Brew Black­horse Road, Lon­don — More details (Free entry)

Octo­ber 1: Talk Show at Lafayette, London

Octo­ber 1: Tiece at St Moritz Club, Lon­don — Tick­ets

Octo­ber 1: True­Men­dous at Sound City Fes­ti­val, Ipswich — Tick­ets

Octo­ber 3: Sun­day Best 20th Anniver­sary par­ty (with LA Sala­mi, Kit­ty, Daisy & Lewis, Rob da Bank, and more) at Elec­tric Ball­room, Lon­don — Tick­ets

Octo­ber 4: Talk Show at Bode­ga Social, Not­ting­ham — Tick­ets

Octo­ber 5: Kofi Stone at Yes, Man­ches­ter — Tick­ets

Octo­ber 5: Natal­ie Dun­can at Ron­nie Scott’s, Lon­don — Tick­ets

Octo­ber 5: Talk Show at Head­row House, Leeds — Tick­ets

Octo­ber 5: The Skints at Chalk, Brighton — Tick­ets

Octo­ber 6: Talk Show at Nice n’ Sleazy, Glas­gow — Tick­ets

Octo­ber 6: The Skints at Water­front, Nor­wich — Tick­ets

Octo­ber 7: BBC Intro­duc­ing Live (with Enny, Jalle, Wor­ry­Wor­ry) at The Lex­ing­ton — Tick­ets

Octo­ber 7: Kofi Stone at Mama Roux’s, Birm­ing­ham — Tick­ets

Octo­ber 7: The Skints at MK11, Mil­ton Keynes — Tick­ets

Octo­ber 8: Shin­gai at Wool­wich Works, Lon­don — Tick­ets

Octo­ber 9: Talk Show at The Jacaran­da, Liv­er­pool — Tick­ets

Octo­ber 9: The Skints at Cheese & Grain, Frome — Tick­ets

Octo­ber 9: Tiece at Reel Rebels Stu­dio, Lon­don — Tick­ets (Free entry)

Octo­ber 10: The Skints at O2 Acad­e­my Oxford, Oxford — Tick­ets

Octo­ber 11: Talk Show at Yes, Man­ches­ter — Tick­ets

Octo­ber 11: The Skints at O2 Acad­e­my Leices­ter, Leices­ter — Tick­ets

Octo­ber 11: Yay Maria (with Emzae and Franx) at Bustler Mar­ket, Der­by — More details (Free entry)

Octo­ber 12: Kofi Stone at The Hope and Ruin, Brighton — Tick­ets

Octo­ber 12: Talk Show at Heart­breaks, Southamp­ton — Tick­ets

Octo­ber 12: The Skints at The Forum, Tun­bridge Wells — Tick­ets

Octo­ber 13: Kofi Stone at Jazz Cafe, Lon­don — Tick­ets

Octo­ber 13: The Skints at Junc­tion, Cam­bridge — Tick­ets

Octo­ber 14–17: Con­nie Con­stance at Wild Paths Fes­ti­val, Nor­wich — Tick­ets

Octo­ber 15: The Skints at Clapham Grand, Lon­don — Tick­ets

Octo­ber 16: Steven Bamidele (sup­port­ing Le Beaux, with Tahn Solo) at The Old Blue Last, Lon­don — Tick­ets

Octo­ber 16: Tiece at Wild Paths Fes­ti­val, Nor­wich — Tick­ets

Octo­ber 17: The Skints at The 1865, Southamp­ton — Tick­ets

Octo­ber 18: The Skints at Tramshed, Cardiff — Tick­ets

Octo­ber 19: The Skints at The Mill, Birm­ing­ham — Tick­ets

Octo­ber 20: The Skints at Man­ches­ter Acad­e­my 2, Man­ches­ter — Tick­ets

Octo­ber 21: The Skints at Oran Mor, Glas­gow — Tick­ets

Octo­ber 22: Cas­sia at Lafayette, Lon­don — Tick­ets

Octo­ber 22: The Skints at New­cas­tle Uni­ver­si­ty Union, New­cas­tle — Tick­ets

Octo­ber 24: Cas­sia at Whe­lan’s, Dublin — Tick­ets

Octo­ber 24: The Skints at Social, Hull — Tick­ets

Octo­ber 25: Cas­sia at Bru­denell Social Club, Leeds — Tick­ets

Octo­ber 25: Steven Bamidele at Pat­terns, Brighton — Tick­ets

Octo­ber 25: The Skints at The Key Club, Leeds — Tick­ets

Octo­ber 26: Cas­sia at Acad­e­my 2, Liv­er­pool — Tick­ets

Octo­ber 26: Lit­tle Boots at The Deaf Insti­tute, Man­ches­ter — Tick­ets

Octo­ber 26: The Skints at The Lead­mill, Sheffield — Tick­ets

Octo­ber 27: Cas­sia at St Lukes, Glas­gow — Tick­ets

Octo­ber 27: Mabes at Folk­lore Hox­ton, Lon­don — Tick­ets

Octo­ber 27: The Skints at The Hairy Dog, Der­by — Tick­ets

Octo­ber 28: Cas­sia at La Belle Angele, Edin­burgh — Tick­ets

Octo­ber 28: Lit­tle Boots at Beth­nal Green Work­ing Mens Club, Lon­don — Tick­ets

Octo­ber 29: Cas­sia at River­side, New­cas­tle — Tick­ets

Octo­ber 29: The Skints at The Mar­ble Fac­to­ry, Bris­tol — Tick­ets

Octo­ber 30: Kofi Stone at War­wick Arts Cen­tre, Coven­try — Tick­ets

Octo­ber 31: Nubya Gar­cia at Bel­grave Music Hall, Leeds — Tick­ets


Octo­ber 4–24: Africa Writes 2021 at the British Library, Lon­don — Tick­ets (More details)


Octo­ber 7–10: EGX 2021 at Excel, Lon­don — Tick­ets

Image: Edgar Fischnaller