Red Robyn’s ‘Stargirl’ video shares her story of broken dreams and strength from sisterhood

South African artists Red Robyn and The World of Birds have been cre­at­ing deli­cious indie pop fit for social­is­ing and play­fight­ing. But for their lat­est video ‘Star­girl’, they’ve told the bit­ter­sweet sto­ry of singer and gui­tarist Red Robyn and what led her to become a musician.

Red Robyn’s child­hood dream of becom­ing an Olympic fig­ure skater was crushed when she had to under­go a spinal fusion to cor­rect idio­path­ic sco­l­io­sis (a cur­va­ture of the spine). Fol­low­ing the treat­ment, she found heal­ing in writ­ing songs on her gui­tar and strength in her rela­tion­ship with her moth­er and sister.

Direct­ed by fel­low South African Katya Abe­di­an-Rawháni, the video tells this sto­ry through sweep­ing mon­tages, show­ing the artist reflect­ing, skat­ing and shar­ing moments of joy with her moth­er and sis­ter – who the song was writ­ten for.

“I think the most pow­er­ful thing any­one has is their sto­ry. I want­ed to tell mine. I had always been a fan of, and want­ed to work with, Katya. This was the per­fect oppor­tu­ni­ty. She was the per­fect per­son to help me tell my sto­ry,” said Robyn.

“Ash [Red Robyn] is such a big inspi­ra­tion to me,” said Abe­di­an-Rawháni. “Her tran­si­tion from pro­fes­sion­al ice skat­ing to music is inspir­ing for a lot of peo­ple to not give up if one dream doesn’t work out, because there is more than one dream, tal­ent, gift for you out there. And all it needs to come to life is your ener­gy and effort in its direc­tion, and to believe that what you’ve been giv­en is for you to use, and share, and hope­ful­ly do some­thing mean­ing­ful and help­ful with.”

Released short­ly after Inter­na­tion­al Women’s Day this month, Red Robyn and Abe­di­an-Rawháni added that this video is their ode to the women who make them who they are.

You can watch the ‘Star­girl’ video below:

Star­girl’ is part of The World of Birds’s debut EP, Before the Sun Comes Up, which was released in Octo­ber 2020. Robyn hopes that the song will inspire courage in women and girls everywhere.

Last year, Red Robyn released ‘I’ll Stay the Same’ and the ter­rif­i­cal­ly sum­mery ‘Got Me’.

We spoke to Red Robyn back in 2017. She’s come a long way since then, includ­ing mak­ing fes­ti­val appear­ances and win­ning Afrop­unk Johan­nes­burg 2018’s Bat­tle of the Bands con­test. You can hear Red Robyn, and many oth­er inde­pen­dent artists, on our week­ly new music playlist, The Fresh List.

You can see more of Abedian-Rawháni’s work on Vimeo.

Image: cour­tesy of Red Robyn/Katya Abedian-Rawháni